This colourful, unassuming little piece of cord has quite an interesting story.
A few weeks ago one of my clients requested a blessing ceremony. She was expecting her first baby and had attended support sessions throughout her pregnancy. I had been her therapist for some time before she conceived and it was an absolute joy for me to see her grow and transform - not only physically - from pre-conception to maternity.
My blessing ceremonies are sacred, spiritual, shamanic ceremonies for expectant mothers. Each ceremony is individual to the mother and her baby. For some women, ceremonies are arranged as an alternative - or in addition - to a baby shower, where the expectant mother's female friends and family gather to honour the mother and the new life that awaits her. For others, it is a private one to one experience of deep spiritual connection with herself, her baby and the Divine.
One of my sacred practices during ceremonies involves my commitment to ongoing support by spiritually binding the mother and myself until her baby is born, an etheric cord of dedication and a declaration of my commitment, physically symbolised in my wearing a cotton cord on my wrist until her baby is released from the cord that connects them to her. (It is important for me to add here that this is a process of depth and purity of intent, contacting and working with the spirit realms for guidance and support and should only ever be conducted by a qualified, trained and experienced shamanic practitioner).
This cord was on my wrist a little longer than I had anticipated! Throughout my client's pregnancy it became clear that her little one had developed a very strong bond with his mother, and vice versa, and that he was very comfortable where he was, thank you very much. The bond between mother and baby was a beautiful thing to witness, but as the time moved on he was getting just a little too comfortable and was overdue by many days.
My Due Date ReproReflexology sessions are only for women who are around or past their due date as they are intended to help initiate the body's contraction response. Usually the contraction response begins around 2 days after the session and baby makes their appearance 2 to 3 days after the session. Never have I had to conduct a second session. That is, until this little one.
My initial approach for my client's first Due Date session had to be very gentle in my encouraging him to make his entrance. No unexpected moves, just nice and gentle. With such a strong willed soul, it was a little like convincing a child that they themselves actually want to eat their greens when the 'it's good for you' approach gets you nowhere. This didn't work. Second time around, I was firm but fair, employing different techniques and harnessing the call-to-action energy of both his mother and myself - it was time to bring the Yang aspects of assertiveness and action to the fore. This is the 'masculine' aspect that flows with the Yin ('feminine') and both of which are within all of us, men and women, but often found in the determined stares and unshakeable stances of exasperated women the world over.
Last night, just before 11pm, I was standing in my garden basking in the light of the Moon and felt that this little one was already here. I felt he had been waiting for the Divine feminine - the Full Moon - which is today. I checked my phone one last time before heading to bed - nothing.
This morning I was woken by one of my cats, a jet black sidekick with turquoise eyes, who was forcefully nudging his head under my arm and hooking his claws into the cord on my wrist, fraying and untying one end of it. Then I knew. I checked my phone and at 11.24pm last night I had received a photograph from my client of her little boy. I ceremonially cut the cord from my wrist and thanked the Divine for supporting and protecting my client during childbirth and for the safe delivery of a healthy, beautiful baby.
I have many blessings in my life, one of the biggest is the work I do.
May tonight's Full Moon bring your own beautiful blessings.
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Copyright ©Andrea Doran, Flourish and contributors 2020. Initial publication date of post 9th March 2020.