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Practitioner Program

Reiki Level 2 | Professional Practitioner Program

I developed this program after coming across so many people who had undertaken both Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 training with other training providers, and who had initial hopes of offering Reiki to the public only to find that they did not feel confident, skilled or knowledgeable enough after their Reiki Level 2 training to do this as a professional practitioner. They didn't feel they received adequate enough training or had been given the opportunity to deepen their experience in order to be skilled enough to conduct professional consultations, or to emotionally support clients while defining and maintaining their own boundaries. They didn't know enough about record keeping, data protection, health and safety, insurance, marketing and self employment requirements. 
In many courses, there is little to no preparation for students wanting to enter into professional practice and all of the personal and professional challenges encountered in starting, running and growing a Reiki therapy business. These, and so much more, are essentials for professional practice and this is why I developed my Professional Practitioner Program.

When I took my own tentative steps on the Reiki path many years ago, a lot of these aspects weren't explored in any kind of detail, and sadly many training courses still don't do this. Very little has changed over the years in regard to Reiki training, and one of the reasons for this is that many 'Masters' repeat the same training they themselves received, which was often also lacking in detail and experience. And so it repeats...

Until now. As a practising Holistic Medicine Specialist for over 20 years and a Teacher of Reiki for over 15 of those, this program is what I personally would have liked to have been offered as an excited and nervous student all those years ago, receiving dedicated full support on my path to becoming a Reiki Therapist. This is exactly what this program offers you. I want to share with you the knowledge and skills gained from my experience so that you are able to become the best Reiki Therapist you can be, working from a place of compassion and respect for yourself, your clients and your business.

If you feel drawn to the ethos and values of Flourish, that they align with the approach you would like to take as a prospective Reiki Therapist, then this program will give you a solid foundation for a strong, ethical practice with a focus on integrity. Sharing Reiki with the public carries much responsibility, both for your own energetic, mental, emotional and physical health as well as those of your clients. The mission of this program is to guide and support you as a skilled, knowledgeable and sustainable therapist - these are the reasons that clients return. There is much to consider, learn and apply if you wish to be a passionate as well as compassionate therapist, and to stay that way. 

The Professional Practitioner Program is a journey of commitment - both mine and yours -
to your development towards professional practice. If this speaks to you, read on.

Radiating Rays For Animals - Free of charge
Radiating Rays For Animals - Free of charge
Mehrere Termine
19. Juli 2023, 09:30 GMT+1
The animal's safe space
Remote healing session for animals.
Application & Registration Requirements
If you would like to embark on my Professional Reiki Practitioner Program, we will be taking an exciting journey together - welcome aboard! As with all incredible travels, we need to make some initial preparations to ensure we are off on the best foot possible.
Certificated experience of Reiki at Level 1 is a requirement for entry to the program. 
  • Those who have completed Reiki Level 1, either with myself or another provider*
This program is also open to those who have completed Reiki Level 2 with another provider and those who have attended my Reiki Level 2 | Self Discovery & Healing*​​*
I request that your self treatments and general practice shared with friends and family have been ongoing for around 6 months after your Reiki Level 1 course before considering beginning this training program. If you have not completed Reiki Level 1 but would like to become a practitioner, it is possible to attend my Reiki Level 1 Introductory course and then apply for the next intake of the Practitioner Program. For example, if you attend a Level 1 course with me in February this allows 6 months of Level 1 practice before registering for the Autumn Practitioner Program, and vice versa for the Spring intake with Level 1 training completed in August/September of the previous year.
Registration is completed online at the event details above. This is registration only and there is no fee or payments requested during registration. These are arranged before the program - please see below for  fees and payment options.
*Ideally, you will have trained in Reiki Level 1 with me - if not, a refresher workshop is recommended before committing to the program. This way we can explore your skills and knowledge and if some fine tuning is felt needed to ground your practice before embarking on the program, we can do this at the refresher.
**If you have completed my Reiki Level 2 | Self Discovery course, you will be fast tracked into Month 2 and this is reflected in the course fee - please see below.
Certification requires full attendance of the course and each of the monthly dates, and the successful completion of 15 case studies is required for you to be personally equipped and professionally skilled enough to confidently offer Reiki to the public. The completion of your case studies is essential for certification, issued after their successful documentation. Completion and submission of case studies must be within the 4 months of the program to obtain certification.
The Professional Practitioner Program provides:
Month 1
  • 1 x full day of initial training with attunement and course manual
  • Practical, therapeutic and energetic uses of the sacred symbols
  • Mental, physical and emotional healing; Distance Healing
  • Meditative practice and self development
  • Hand positions for self and others
  • Practice sessions and energetic development
  • Varying the approach for different clients
  • Consultation skills with clients
Month 2 
  • 1 x 1hr*** follow on supervision and mentoring sessions. There is one session in Month 2 and one in Month 4. These sessions are to support you in your personal and professional development and to discuss your personal experiences, progress and address any questions you may have in your ongoing case studies.
Month 3
  • 1 x 1hr introduction on how to deepen healing work using different holistic approaches including body scanning and an introduction to working with crystal tools
  • 1 x half day of comprehensive training in professional guidelines including:
- Introduction to GDPR, record keeping and obtaining insurance 
- Increasing confidence in your consultations skills
- Code Of Conduct and Ethics in practice
- Marketing, fees and services
Month 4
  • 1 x 1hr*** support and supervision session to tie up any questions or experiences you have encountered in your case studies before their submission.
  • Fortnightly email check-ins for the duration of the 4 months of your program
***1.5hr support sessions are an available option should you wish to explore more personal development questions (which happens often with Reiki!), or if we feel they would offer added benefit. These are at additional cost. 
Registration and Upcoming Program Dates
The next intake begins in Spring 2022 - please see the Event above for details.
The next intake after this will be in Autumn 2022 - if you would like to register your interest for the Autumn program, please get in touch using the form below.
Fees & Payment Options
The course requires a personal investment of £550. For students who have previously attended my Reiki Level 2 | Self Discovery & Healing course the investment is £400.
Payment options are:
  • Full Course payment in advance 
Full payment of the course fee 4 weeks in advance of the first training date. Your support & supervision sessions in Months 3 & 4 are automatically upgraded, without charge, to 1.5hr for this payment option (value £50)
  • Deposit & Payment
One deposit payment of £300 finalised 4 weeks before the first training date of the program and the remaining balance of £250 before the support & supervision date in Month 2.
  • Deposits & Installments
First deposit payment of £150 finalised 8 weeks before the first training date of the program; second deposit payment of £150 finalised 4 weeks before the first training date. 
First installment of £100 finalised 7 days before the first training date of the course and £100 each month thereafter, finalised 7 days before the support dates for Months 2, 3 & 4.
Payment can be made by BACS bank transfer or by credit/debit card or PayPal. Please note that payments by card and PayPal are subject to an additional 5% processing fee for each transaction. 

Practitioner Program Application Enquiry​

Please complete your details below

Thank you. I'll be in touch shortly.

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