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Holding Newborn Baby

Joan's Story

I asked Joan if she would consider writing about her experiences of pregnancy and the home birth of her second child. I really felt her story would speak to a lot of women.


She sent me her story below, almost a year after the birth, so that I could share it with you. Beautiful and divine timing. It is important to have healed before we share our stories as this is when they become healing stories for others.


The process Joan outlines in our work together was as profound as she describes. There were generational traumas to heal, personal confidences to build, old and new fears to slay, ancestral paths to reawaken and a baby who was so beautifully vivid in her spiritual and psychic communications that any time Joan attended it was a conversation between three - truly joyful! Baby was so communicative because Joan had been consistent and loving in her communications with baby throughout her pregnancy.

It was an incredible journey and one I am deeply honoured to have been a part of.


Due Date

Joan talks of my 'due date' sessions. These are dedicated to encouraging a contraction response in the body and for Joan her first twinges began around 48 hours after this session. It doesn't always happen this way but generally no client has went any longer than 72 hours before contractions. It can often be challenging to time these sessions, respecting both baby and mother and their timing together but also in avoiding the ever increasing pressure on expectant mothers to undergo induction.



A link to Joan's personal experience of the home birth of her second daughter including the hospital visits, the resources she used to support herself, preparations and the outline of the birth day itself can be found at the bottom of the page.

Dear Reader,


I imagine you are about to give birth to a baby, or maybe you are about to be a birth partner or maybe you are even a medical professional researching physiological birth and keen to know non-medical methods that aid empowerment and confident decision making. 


Whatever the reason, I hope this story, my story, gives you food-for-thought and helps you in going forward and making the best decision for you. 


My work with Andrea was hugely important in ensuring I was giving myself the best chance possible of having the birth I wanted. 


I first discovered Andrea’s work back when I had just had my first baby. I was struggling with a sore shoulder blade that I had always had for as long as I can remember. I had thought that breastfeeding and constantly holding the baby had aggravated it and with some lovely massage and TLC it would be right as rain - as it turns out, the pain goes much deeper than a simple strain and was nestled somewhere among memories and emotions. I didn’t see Andrea many times at this point, I blamed it on time and money - I think maybe, I wasn’t ready. 


Four years later, when I was searching for someone to support me during my pregnancy and aid me in prepping for birth I remembered Andrea and Flourish. Initially I had thought some pregnancy massage or reflexology would be nice. What I discovered was something much more rich and powerful. With each session new discoveries were made. I felt more and more connected to my unborn baby. My instincts and intuitiveness felt more charged (and in charge) with each visit. Any anxiety and worry was talked about and worked with as we continued to navigate the time leading up to the birth. The sessions were always profound.


As we approached the ‘due date’ I was starting to receive some pressure from the consultant around medical induction. I wanted to avoid this. Andrea and I chatted about the birth preparation sessions and when to start her ‘due date’ reflexology. Each time Andrea was able to provide me with information, practical instructions on massages to perform on my face and body but also spiritual information.  


It’s near impossible to say how vital these sessions were to my preparation to birth - for physical, emotional and spiritual readiness. From the first session till the last, Andrea was kind, supportive and insightful. She has a way of working that is so profound and impactful. I can’t thank her enough for everything she has given me. 


In my research I read Dr Sarah Buckley: “And in healing birth, we are healing ourselves, our babies and the Earth.” I believe that Andrea is doing this. She helped heal me and helped me achieve a birth that healed wounds of the previous birth, it healed wounds in my relationship and healed wounds in my self belief system.

For those who are interested in reading positive birth stories, here is mine … (grab yourself a cuppa, it’s a long one…)'


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