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Sometimes we become entangled in others lives to the detriment of our own and it can be difficult to remove ourselves - this is often because we are energetically entangled too.


This can occur when we have not set clear boundaries for ourselves, or for others, or when we have allowed those boundaries to be compromised. Sometimes we think that by stepping over the boundaries we had created for ourselves, that by giving more of ourselves than we feel comfortable with, will help another person. This often creates energetic entanglement and the symptoms it produces are likened to 'compassion fatigue', a phrase that I personally dislike. Our compassion never runs dry but sometimes it may feel like it does, especially when supporting becomes shouldering. Physical, mental and emotional fatigue, apathy and a forced sense of duty are often indicators of entanglement.


Disentanglement sessions involve various approaches and these are as individual as you are. 

All approaches can help us to mentally, energetically and spiritually disentangle us from others, releasing ourselves so that we can empathise whilst maintaining our own energy levels and healthy emotional and auric space. Disentanglement plans are especially suited to those who work, live or socialise in emotionally challenging, supportive or dependent environments including the third sector, counselling, teaching, healthcare and caring roles.


Support Plans
Dedicated one to one support plans are are especially suited to those who work, live or socialise in emotionally challenging, supportive or dependent environments including the third sector, counselling, teaching, healthcare and caring roles. 
Plans are available over the course of 4, 8 or 12 weeks, with ongoing sessions if or when required - please see Support Plans for more details. Appointments are attended at my East Kilbride practice.
This introductory 4 week support plan consists of an initial first visit and consultation followed by 3 x 90 min weekly sessions, including holistic counsel and therapy.  Please note that for support sessions for disentanglement I request a commitment of a minimum of 4 sessions. 
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the plans, a 15 minute telephone consultation is available.
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